Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My 4-H Project!

I've been working on a quilt for 4-H. It's a Self-Determined project I call "Modern Quilting." I have been working on it since about January and it's finally finished!!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Waffle Adventures! "Lasagna Power!"

   Chapter Four "Lasagna Power!"

  It's been a while since I've last written. Waffle finally got his sling off! So he's been riding his unicycle around the neighborhood all week. He's been going to a cooking class every Wednesday night for a month. Last week they learned how make lasagna. Waffle loves to add different spices to his meal. He calls it "unique" when he burns it. His Secret sauce is his specialty. He calls it "Waffle's Tomato Lava." It has secret blend of spices. I don't know what they are though. Most of his stuff is really good, but once in a while he does an experiment and it turns out a little bit on the weird side.   
 Wilford asked Waffs if he wanted to go roller skating tomorrow night for Whale Night. He's super excited! Mainly for the slushies. Waffs has been roller skating before, but not for a while. So he'll probably fall a few times. :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Pickle Mania!! Gherkins, Spicy dill, Bread and butter, dill, sweet dill...YUMMNESS!

SaigeThePIZZAROLL87 - Hey everyone! I just took a nice, big, juicy, bite of a pickle. YUM! I'm the pickle lover of the family. They're one of my favorite foods. Besides Pizza Rolls of course. I like all pickles. Dill, Bread and Butter, you name it, I love it! What's everyone else's favorite kind of pickle?

CelieRose22 - Hey Saige! Mmm....I love pickles. I like Spicy Dill.

RuthieUnicorn11 - Marshmallow!

SaigeThePIZZAROLL87 - Marshmallow pickles?

RuthieUnicorn11 - No. Ummm... I thought you meant ALL foods. I don't like pickles very much. :)

JulieAwesme76 -  I like bread and butter pickles.

IvySings43 - Hi! For pickles I'd say Dill. What about you, Saige?

KananiFlower55 - I'm not a huge pickle lover. Maybe Gherkins. They're sooo tiny!!!

SaigeThePIZZAROLL87 - Hmmm.. It's SOO HARD TO CHOOSE!!! Probably...ALL OF THEM!!!! :D

MollyAnimalLover09- Sweet Dill's are SOOO GOOD!!!!

CelieRose22 - Did we just spend the past 10 minutes talking about pickles? :D

SaigeThePIZZAROLL87 - Yes, yes we did. It was SO WORTH IT! That's some time well spent! :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Birds Eating Pizza! xD

Hey everyone! I was at a local pizza place on Sunday, and the workers put a burnt pizza outside and birds starting pecking at it! They were LOVING it!


I hope you liked this! I thought it was funny. :) Thanks for reading! 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Manatees at the Zoo!!

Hi there everyone! I was at my local Zoo not too long ago, and I snapped a lot of pictures, and here are some of the manatees!

Their names are Cadberry and Stubby. Cadberry is the one in the first two pictures, and Stubby is in the last one. I hope you liked all these pictures! More Zoo animal pics on the way! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

~Blood Moon~

Hey everyone! On April forth, there was a beautiful blood moon! I took a few pictures of it, and this is the one that turned out the best:
It's definitely not the best quality picture, but it was very dark and I was in the car and that made me a little shaky. Thanks for reading! 

Monday, April 6, 2015


Hey everyone! I just downloaded this app called "Comic Book" on my iPad! I'm still learning it, but I made a little comic page for you. I call it "Mr. Sunglasses Saves the Day".

If it's too small to read, you should be able to click on the picture and it should get bigger.  It's pretty random. I just used decorative tapes I got at my friend's birthday party once. I'm planning on making lots more, so stay tuned! By the way, I messed up on where the number 4 went, and I unfortunately can't fix it.  It goes on the " BAM POW" part. I hope you like it anyway!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Amazing Sunset

Hey everyone! Last Tuesday, I looked outside in my back yard, and I saw the most amazing sunset! I managed to get a few pictures of it. On one side, it was a light orangy-pink.
And on the other, it was a very bright blue with pink clouds.
The camera doesn't quite pick up how bright the blue is, but it still looks amazing. The clouds look like a giant piece of cotton candy!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pizza Roll Party!

Hey! Here's the inside scoop on the AG sisters conversation!!!!

JulieAwesome76- Hey people! It's Julie. I'm here today to talk to you about-


RuthieUnicorn11- What are pizza rolls?


KananiFlower55- Hi! How is everyone today? Good?

RuthieUnicorn11- Saige is talking about these things called "Pizza Rolls." What are they?

JulieAwesome76- I was just talking about my weird banana. It has weird fuzzy-green stuff on it.


CelieRose22- Hi! I like Pizza Rolls too. Hold on, I'm going to get Ivy and Molly on.

IvySings43 - Hey there! Oh, and ummm...Julie, that stuff on your banana is probably mold. I'm going to go make Pizza Rolls. Bye!

                  IvySings43 left the chat

CelieRose22-Molly is washing the dogs. She'll be on later. I'm going to help Ivy make Pizza Rolls.

               CelieRose22 left the chat


               SaigeThePIZZAROLL87 left the chat

JulieAwesome76- Me too! Come on Kanani, let's go have some Pizza Rolls!!

                JulieAwesome76 left the chat

                 KananiFlower55 left the chat

RuthieUnicorn11- I'll try some. I do like pizza. TTYL

               RuthieUnicorn11 left the chat

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Waffle Adventures! "It's Just a Sling"

Hey everyone! Here's another Waffle story! Hope you like it!

  Chapter Three "It's Just a Sling"

    Right now Waffle is happily in bed with a big bowl of Mint Kelp ice cream. He's been dying to go outside. He insists on riding his unicycle even with his sling on. Waffs has always loved going outside. So he was so disappointed when Dr. Whaleykinz said he couldn't ride it for the next six weeks. That doesn't mean he can't go outside, though. He just has to take it easy on his right fin. He was outside all day with Wilford.
    Playing the bagpipes has been a challenge. Which is a real bummer because he probably won't be able to use it for awhile. He has been enjoying his cooking hobby. Last night, he made kelp tacos! Once, he entered the National Whale Cooking contest and got second place for his Secret Lasagna. He's even trying to create his own recipe! I don't know how that's working out though.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Waffle Adventures! "The Unicycle"

Hey everyone! Here's another Waffle story!

Chapter Two "The Unicycle"

   Waffle is planning on riding his unicycle around the neighborhood today. He's been very excited for today because Wilford is coming over! "Hey Waffs!"Wilford said brightly when he saw Waffle down the road. "Hi there!" Waffle said while getting onto the unicycle. Together they started to ride around the sidewalk. "Waffs, we might have to ride slower today. There are a lot of rocks on the ground." Wilford said, carefully checking his surroundings. "OK, Wilford. I'll just go to the clear area." Waffle said looking around. But the area did still have a few big rocks. "Waffle! Watch out!" Wilford could see more rocks than before. While trying to dodge the rock, Waffle slipped off the unicycle and crashed to the ground. "Waffle!" Wilford decided to go get help close by.
   We decided to take Waffle to the hospital. The doctors said he needed to get a whale sling for two months, because of a sprained fin. So for the rest of the day, Waffle and Wilford watched The Whalepire Diaries and ate ice cream.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Guitar Love

Hey everyone!

  One of my favorite things to do is play guitar. I could play for hours and hours non-stop. I started playing just before my tenth birthday a year ago and I've loved it ever since. I have two guitars. The first one is the GS Mini Taylor.
My second one was a birthday present for my eleventh birthday. It's a GS Baby Taylor that has Taylor Swift's name and logo on the front.
I love them both so much.
   Performing is definitely a passion of mine. This month, I will perform at my church during the Valentine's Day program! I'm planning on playing "Blackbird" by The Beatles and "Mary's Song" by Taylor Swift.
   At first, I wasn't too crazy about the song "Blackbird". Then my instructor taught me this really cool finger picking style and the song started to grow on me. It sounded just like it! I'm starting to memorize all of the lyrics. I will definitely be playing this song quite a bit!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Waffle Adventures! "Whales"

These stories are about a whale named Waffle. I thought it would be a cute idea to make imaginary stories and stuff, so I hope you enjoy this!

 Chapter One "Whales"

        Meet Waffle, my whale. I've had him for nine years and he will turn ten on February seventeenth. He gets around on his little unicycle specially made for his semi-oversized body. His best friend is named Wilford Brimley, after the guy on the diabetes commercial. Wilford is just over a year older than Waffle, at eleven. They have many of the same hobbies. They met at the park years ago, and they've been best friends ever since.
             Waffle loves to cook. He wants to be a professional chef one day. He also loves to watch The Whalepire Diaries and other dramatic soap operas. In his free time, he also likes to read science books and play the bagpipes. So that's Waffle, my whale!

Monday, January 19, 2015

~A Winter Sky~

                                               A winter sky is both happy and sad.
                                               The clouds run across the sky
                                               Taking the wind with them.
                                               After awhile, the sun peeks out;
                                               It is no longer shy.

I wrote this poem about this picture I took when I went to Virginia last year. The sky was so beautiful I just had to take a picture! I think it's my best picture yet!




Tuesday, January 13, 2015


My name is Lexi. Many of my passions include playing guitar, hanging out with friends, making lots of videos, and taking pictures of just about everything! I have started a YouTube channel called Turtle Loom Feel free to check that out too! I plan to post around twice a week on here, so keep checking in! Thanks for visiting!
